The American International University-Bangladesh has featured Ms. Selima Ahmad, President of the Bangladesh Women Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BWCCI) and last year’s awardee of the prestigious Oslo Business for Peace Award 2014. The AIUB Women Forum organized the Lecture Series on the topic Entrepreneurship and Economy last Wednesday, 15 April 2015. She narrated her success story in promoting entrepreneurship among women in Bangladesh. From a simple beginning and because of her passion for entrepreneurship, her efforts grow in leaps and bounds which were recognized not only by Bangladesh but by the international bodies one of which is the Oslo Business Peace in Norway. She was also a recipient of the International Alliance of Women (TIAW) and many other awarding organizations. She inspired the girl students and faculty to work hard for the benefit of women and upgrade the status of women in Bangladesh. Empowering women will lead to the development of the economies and contribute immensely to achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) of the country. The program was made extra prestigious with the presence of the lady Vice Chancellor, Dr. Carmen Z. Lamagna. She is also a TIAW awardee last year. Because of her desire to promote women empowerment, the AIUB organized Women Forum as a platform for women to participate in development process of the university in particular and the country in general. Both women have the same common interest and passion for pushing women in their respective status and aspirations.