Established in 2008 the Masters in Public Health (MPH) at American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) is a four-semester intensive program meeting the highest international standards. The course offers a broad public health perspective designed to teach in a larger socio-economic context in order to develop professionals with managerial and technical competence. The program ensures achievement of defined preventive healthcare services in line with the objective of “health for all” envisioned by The World Health Organization (WHO). The course accepts students from a wide range of backgrounds preferably medical related education and training; health service professionals, healthcare service providers, social scientists, experts from any discipline and those who have worked in national healthcare systems, international agencies or NGOs.
This program aims: (i) to develop professionals and their critical analysis of the issues within the primary health care, public health management, policy, planning and financing of preventive health care programs, and (ii) to formulate and design appropriate health policies and strategies responsive to the evolving needs of the health care program.
The main goal of this program is to prepare public health professionals to formulate and design appropriate public health policies responsive to evolving needs. Graduates from this program are successfully contributing to the international and national health management, policy planning and intervention. They can work for government, international agencies, NGOs and the private sector as policy-makers, researchers, advisers or work in advocacy or training in the field of public health ensuring healthcare and disease prevention
The American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) is committed to introducing world class public health program and accordingly, designed and developed facilities, faculties and curriculum in order to meet the highest international standards with its globally competitive MPH program. The MPH program is modelled after similar programs at the renowned universities at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Cambridge University in UK, George Washington University, Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene, Boston University School of Public Health, Harvard and California Barclay University in USA. Graduates of AIUB will be well equipped to work as professional health managers and experts in a range of different settings including multilateral institutions like WHO, UNFPA, and other UN agencies, International and National NGOs, Governments and the Private sector, both within and outside Bangladesh. AIUB introduces modern interactive teaching methods where English is the only medium of instruction. The university provides state of the art IT facilities and modern computer labs. All class rooms are equipped with Multimedia Projectors and internet connections, access to global IT connections and rich library collection with access to online journals.
The significant part of this MPH is learning the advance level research techniques which is a pre-requisite in developing the evidence-based health data in solving issues in a sustainable manner.
Teaching under this program covers a variety of methods applicable for specific topics. Outcomes are demonstrated by a rich mixture of teaching and learning approaches bringing a wide range of professional experience to learning at AIUB. Small group learning methods such as syndicated group work, case studies, seminars and group presentations are emphasized. Lecture methods are supplemented by project work, case presentation, group discussions, workshops and audio-visual aids. Field visits are arranged from time to time during the year to provide direct knowledge and experience of special healthcare problems, and ongoing initiatives to improve the management of healthcare services. Emphasis is also given on the project work, case method of instruction and other techniques that may be necessary considering the situation under review. The International and Bangladeshi health and population sector related concerns are integrated during the lectures and discussions which create and enhance a positive attitude and appreciation among the students.
There is a provision for counselling hours allocated for direct interaction with students. All students are connected with IT facilities, provided by the university, at the time of enrolment. Class notes and relevant materials are uploaded to students who can download them before commencement of classes. Students in AIUB are exposed to and expected to participate in a variety of ongoing public health activities currently being carried out by the research students and faculty members. Attendance is mandatory for each and every class. Missing more than 20% of the scheduled classes will obtain the student an automatic “Unofficial Withdraw (UW)” grade unless otherwise approved by the faculty responsible for that particular course.
The enrollment starts in any semester and it takes about four semesters and it is inclusive of one Major. This is a 16 months intensive program. In the last semester, student need to work on their thesis which is call “Capstone Research Project”. After that, they need to submit the dissertation and they have to face a defense in front of internal and external examiners and experts.
Browse here for course catalog of of Masters in Public Health offered by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS)
View Course CatalogBrowse here for course curriculum of Masters in Public Health offered by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS)
View CurriculumAssistant Professor and Program Coordinator, MPH Program
408/1 (Old KA 66/1), Kuratoli, Khilkhet, Dhaka 1229, Bangladesh
Phone: 01844115009, 01309913487