The American International University – Bangladesh (AIUB) is committed to diversity and sustainability as dimensions of an environmentally responsible society. Purchasing decisions at AIUB are aimed to balance social, economic, and environmental factors and consider the impacts resulting from production, transportation, use and disposal of products or services.
The designated procurement committee of AIUB will make procurement decisions that embody AIUB’s commitment including local and global issues affecting social, ecological, and economic sustainability.
Depending on the type of the procurement, requirement and commodity, the following practices must be adopted:
- Maximize e-Procurement or electronic payment vouchering, electronic and paperless processes, and web-based catalogs
- Whenever possible purchase organic and local produce
- Energy efficiency, such as Energy Star, etc. wherever applicable and available
- Exchange or Trade-ins – supplier take back programs
- Reduction of waste
- Reusable, refillable packaging
- Reduction of packing material
- Responsible delivery and transportation process
- Encourage bidders to submit proposals using recycled paper and doubled sided copying to minimize waste
- In case if environment friendly services or products are not available, the University will work with suppliers to identify and develop opportunities