Soil, Water and Environmental Sciences

Conduct basic and applied research associated with the soil – water – plant biomass - atmosphere continuum. The domain researcher is dedicated to improving agricultural productivity without compromising environmental quality and to conserving soil, water and environmental ecosystems of earth surface with limited natural resources. Major objectives are: Environmentally sound management of waste, air quality, fertilization, climate control, soil carbon storage measurement and and greenhouses.  Development of advanced agri-environmental management practices. The use of soil and biochars amendments for mitigating evaporation, runoff, erosion and soil health in both rain-fed and irrigated farming systems. Development of mechanistic tools and instruments for quantifying solute transport on the field scale, for assessment of risks of soil, water and groundwater contamination by organic and inorganic pollutants, and for quantifying C and N dynamics in soil, water and plant biomass ecosytems.


Climate Change and Food Security Soil C Sequestration and Accounting Storages, GHGs Emission and Measuring FluxEnvironmental Chemistry (Organic & Inorganic Pollutants) Contaminated Site Assessment and Remediation Nutrient Cycles, Budgets and Management in Different Farming Systems Nutrient Use Efficiency Soil Plant Relationship (Growth and Production)Soil and Water QualitySoil Survey, Mapping, Genesis, Classification and Mineralogy (using TEM, SEM & X-RD)Arsenic Quantification and RemediationCommunity Adaptation


To ensure food security, environmentally sound management of waste, air quality, fertilization, climate control, soil carbon storage measurement and and greenhouses.  Development of advanced agri-environmental management practices. The use of soil and biochars amendments for mitigating evaporation, runoff, erosion and soil health in both rain-fed and irrigated farming systems. Development of mechanistic tools and instruments for quantifying solute transport on the field scale, for assessment of risks of soil, water and groundwater contamination by organic and inorganic pollutants, and for quantifying C and N dynamics in soil, water and plant biomass ecosytems.


Development of mechanistic tools and instruments for quantifying solute transport on the field scale, for assessment of risks of soil, water and groundwater contamination by organic and inorganic pollutants, and for quantifying C and N dynamics in soil, water and plant biomass ecosytems in relation with with climate change.

Impact of changing community structure of Bangladesh Sundarbans on soil carbon pool and local climate.

Impact of changing community structure of Bangladesh Sundarbans on soil carbon pool and local climate. Submitted to Bangladesh Bureau of Educational Information & Statistics (BANBEIS), Ministry of Edu...

Measurement of SOC Storage of Sundarban Mangrove Soils of Bangladesh

Measurement of SOC Storage of Sundarban Mangrove Soils of Bangladesh. Submitted to Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of Bangladesh for one year research grant until June 30, 2024 (20 lacs...