Electrical and Electronic Engineering is concerned with the design, research, development, planning, manufacture and management of systems and devices relying on electricity and light to transmit data and power which underpin modern economies and contribute to the quality of human life. Many of these devices rely on the use of new information and computer-intensive technologies. An Electrical Engineer may be responsible for research, design, manufacture and operation of communication systems, satellite, microwave, optical, telecommunications, broadcasting, radio and television, solar energy conversion, electric power generation, transmission and distribution, computer networks, microprocessors, instrumentation and consumer devices, automatic control systems and robotics, electronic and integrated circuits, image processing systems, electrical machines, electromechanical equipment, biomedical engineering and many other areas.
Currently, more than 3000 students have been pursuing their four years undergraduate studies in the department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering. The Master programs in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science are designed with advanced specialized courses and to provide research opportunities to students as well as Faculty members. AIUB provides country’s most advanced laboratories with cutting-edge technologies to cope up with the modern challenges in the field of Circuits, Electronics and Devices, Power Engineering, Computers and Communication Engineering.
AIUB imparts engineering education through prescribed curriculum, approved by the University Grants Commission (UGC) and accredited by international as well as national professional bodies. The curriculum is at par with that at other world Universities. It has the knowledge and wisdom of engineering discoveries and innovations spanning a period of a few hundred years or so. As such, the study of electrical engineering is fulfilling and at the same time challenging. It requires students of better than average capabilities. AIUB has recognized from the very beginning that these students need and deserve better than average facilities and environment for their optimum development. An excellent faculty team has been engaged to nurture its students.
AIUB EEE program is operating for more than ten years with name and fame, its lab and other infrastructure required to ensure quality teaching-learning environment are quite strong. Its graduates are engaged in work and in higher education all over the world. Admission of new students in this program is competitive. In summary, the program is well established and sustainable. AIUB is committed to provide quality education.
Yours Sincerely,
Dr. A B M Siddique Hossain
Faculty of Engineering
American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB)