[Note: If a student has multiple Set-B Exam in a slot, the student can attend only 1 exam in Set-B and apply for Set-C exam for the other/s.]
A student is eligible for Set-B exam if and only if the student has missed Set-A Exam for the following reason:
Clash/ 3 Exams in a Day: Student MUST attach the Exam Permit and the Exam Schedule as proof of Clash Exam.
Medical Reason: Student MUST submit VALID medical document.
Other Valid Reasons for Missing the Exam: Legitimate explanation is required.
Students will have to download the Set-B Exam request form (Click here to download the Set-B Request form), fill it up and contact the course teacher with the form for permission of Final Term Set-B Exam. The course teacher will judge the eligibility of the student before approving. If approved, the course teacher will sign and return the “Student’s Copy” of the form to the student. The deadline for getting approval from the course teacher is Tuesday, February 04, 2025, 12:00 PM.
The seat plan for Set-B Exam will be published by the course teacher and will also be posted on the Campus Notice Board (D-Building, Ground Floor) on Wednesday, February 05, 2025, after 05:00 PM.
Students MUST bring the “Student’s Copy” of the form during the exam.
No Permit, No Set-B Exam policy will be applicable.