The Department of Marketing, Faculty of Business Administration (FBA), AIUB, organized a plant visit to RFL Industrial Park (RIP), PRAN-RFL Group, Kaliganj, Gazipur on Saturday, January 04, 2025. As a part of the regular student development program under the industry-academia collaboration, BBA Marketing specialization students from the courses of ‘Sales Management’ and ‘Product Innovation and Management’ went on to visit the plant to get practical insights about the factory operations, production processes, quality control, and storage & shipment procedures of the PRAN foods and beverage items in the home and foreign markets.
Upon arrival at the factory premises, the visiting team from AIUB was briefed about the factory operations, company establishments, and health & safety protocols by Mr. Md. Hasibur Rahman Khan, Deputy Manager, HRM, PRAN-RFL Group, and Mr. Md. Jakirul Islam, Assistant Chief Engineer, RIP, Mymenshingh Agro Ltd., PRAN Group. After the initial briefing, the visiting team was directed towards the different production lines and briefed by the individual line managers of Advance Personal Care Limited (Kidstar Baby Diapers and Staysafe Sanitary Napkins), MITHAI Line (production of cakes, sweets, and other confectionery items), Drinking Water Line of different brands of PRAN Group, Carbonated Soft Drinks (Power Energy Drink, Oscar, Pran Up, and Maxx Cola), Hotfill Line of Frooto, Jus Mango, Sundrop, Drinko, and others), and Drinks Line of Lassi, Mughol, Litchi, and others.
The students participated with great enthusiasm and learning-aptitude in understanding the different functions of the plant operations. At the closing Major Sk Moniuruzzaman (Retd.), General Manager (Admin), RFL Group, and an Alumnus of AIUB’s EMBA Program, thanked the visiting team and requested the participants to share their overall experience about the factory and product line observations. Finally, Mr. Stanley Rodrick expressed his vote of appreciation to the company officials and presented gift packs to the plant management on behalf of AIUB. Before leaving the factory premises, the team also visited their Direct Sales Shop to purchase some food and beverage items made by PRAN Group.
The objective of this study tour was in line with the key Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) of the United Nations, “Quality Education.” The focus of the Department of Marketing, THM, and IB on organizing this type of study visit reflects AIUB's commitment to excellence in education and its dedication to nurturing future professionals in the marketing domain.
Mr. Hamidul Islam [Hamid] and Mr. Stanley Rodrick, Senior Assistant Professors from the Department of Marketing, FBA, took the initiative and organized the visit under the supervision of Professor Dr. Partha Prasad Chowdhury, Head, Department of Marketing. The Department of Marketing, FBA expresses its sincere appreciation to Mr. Ankan Saha, Senior Brand Manager, PRAN-RFL group and an Alumnus of the Department of Marketing, FBA, AIUB; and the concerned officials for all the administrative and logistical support from AIUB and PRAN-RFL Group management.