As a coeducation institution AIUB utilizes continuous modern education techniques/schemes to track and measure the progress rate of both male and female students by creating a monitoring and counselling facility that nurtures intuitive knowledge. In order to fulfill that goal, AIUB has office of Probation (OP) that continuously monitors and identifies the students (both male and female) who fall under a specific CGPA and contacts with the students along with their parents to develop a generic idea regarding academic progress. To do so, OP does assign those students to specific faculty in order to assist them regarding their academic progress. Not only that, female academic counselors are assigned to female students upon request for counselling. Finally, OP generates a statistical report on probation students.
Furthermore, AIUB monitors the graduation rate of all students via convocation ( from which at a glance the graduation rate of female and male students can be understood separately. According to that several initiatives are taken if it is found out that female students are becoming outnumbered compared to male students.